Vote Encore!

Learn about the French Presidential candidates in less than 5 minutes

Warning : This project is a prototype produced in march 2017 by french and foreign students.

The database was created from a mix between press reviews and candidates plateforms.

Discover the french candidates

Let us introduce our French candidates to you!

Hover over the candidates to get to know them.

Choose topics you care about

Curious to learn more? Explore some controversial topics.

Choosing a topic will generate a visualization that scales the candidate's interest.

Did he/she talk a lot about it in the media, from january to march 2017 ?

Who should you vote for?

Your best match

Still unsure of who to vote for? Take this survey.

Complete this survey to find which French candidate best suits your interests in a president.

The equivalent in
the U.S. would be:

How did we choose your match?

We based our algorithm on the correlation between your choices on the survey and a little database containing the different candidates point of view.
To create our database, we choose a few topics, and for each , some items we find that are important and/or controversial in recent elections.
We positioned our candidates on every item with: -1, 0 or +1. This way, we are able to compare points of view. Here, positive and negative have no meaning but positioning candidates on points of view.

Click on any icon to open the source our data is based on.
Our data is collected from various online articles, videos, and
other web sources that are only based off of presidential campaigns.
We recommend further research on candidates before officially voting.

What about us?

Our team